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I'm not a good writer.

I've always been told that I write beautifully and have typically done well in all my English classes when it came to writing a paper. 

But all I can say is "whoa". 

I don't know what else to say. I had heard that from people at AIM and other friends who had gone through AIM, "don't have any expectations" or "expect nothing". But let's be honest, no matter how hard we try, there is always some sort of expectation, whether small or big. But God took my idea of expectations, and said, "I am God. That's all you need to expect." 

He broke me. He completely wrecked me and shattered my idea of Him to shreds. For a long time I viewed God as a personal God to many and I have seen Him do amazing things around me and some things in my life. But I don't know if I had ever truly felt the personal draw that I had always desired from Jesus. Maybe it's because I wasn't letting Him in. 

But one night, God drew me close to Him. As I was praying intently for God to release the chains I had kept on myself from past mistakes and regrets I felt a pull from Jesus to turn to Psalm. When I opened up this was the first passage that I saw, 

"Show me the right path, O Lord;
    point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God who saves me.
    All day long I put my hope in you.
Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love,
    which you have shown from long ages past.
Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth.
    Remember me in the light of your unfailing love,
    for you are merciful, O Lord." Psalm 25:4-7

As I read this I knew God was seeking me out intentionally and reminding of a love that never left me but that I, myself, had forgotten about. 

But not anymore, God is so good. All the time. He is doing amazing things in my life and breaking every chain of abandonment, unworthiness, regret, and pain that I couldn't bear to hold. For a long time I thought I had to wait to go on this trip and be out in the field before I could really grow further in my faith. But God is once again saying, "I am God. That's all you need to expect." 

4 responses to “I am God. That’s all you need to expect.”

  1. So good!, can’t wait to see you walk in increased freedom and bring that freedom to the nations. You are created for this Sam

    Be free,
    BP (your squad leader :))

  2. Samantha

    I think your writing is just fine. You express yourself well.

    It’s apparent God is working in you life – thanks for sharing.

  3. Sam, Your writing is good. You put your feelings into words which inspires me to want to continue to see where God is leading me.
    As you go on your mission trips I will miss you so much. But I know your
    love for Jesus will influence so many lives during your time gone. I look
    forward to reading your blogs, seeing the experiences God has placed you.
    I know you will blessed with a peace that surpasses all understanding.